create procedure #t (
@t1 text , @i1 image, @t2 text, @i2 image, @t3 varchar(30), @i3 varbinary(2)
declare @tptr varbinary(16), @iptr varbinary(16), @tpos int, @ipos int
create table #blob(id  int identity, t text, i image)

insert #blob values(@t1, @i1)
select id, convert(varchar(50), t) as text_val, convert(varbinary, i) as image_val
from #blob

update #blob set t = @t2, i = @i2 where id = @@identity
select id, convert(varchar(50), t) as text_val, convert(varbinary, i) as image_val
from #blob

select @tptr = TEXTPTR(t), @tpos = PATINDEX('%TEXT...%', t) - 1,
        @iptr = TEXTPTR(i), @ipos = 2
from #blob

updatetext #blob.t @tptr @tpos 0 @t3
select id, convert(varchar(50), t) as text_val, convert(varbinary, i) as image_val
from #blob

updatetext #blob.i @iptr @ipos 1 @i3
select id, convert(varchar(50), t) as text_val, convert(varbinary, i) as image_val
from #blob

exec #t 'SOME TEXT HERE...', 0x02498765bcde3,
        'MODIFIED TEXT...', 0xab86ec64,
        '(INSERT BEFORE TEXT) ', 0xcd -- replace 3rd byte

-- Inserted text & image value
/* id          text_val                                           image_val
----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
          1 SOME TEXT HERE...                                  0x002498765BCDE3

-- Updated text & image value. This one replaces the existing values
id          text_val                                           image_val
----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
          1 MODIFIED TEXT...                                   0xAB86EC64

-- Modified text value only. This one inserts some text into the existing value
id          text_val                                           image_val
----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
          1 MODIFIED (INSERT BEFORE TEXT) TEXT...              0xAB86EC64

-- Modified image value only. This one changes a byte in the existing value
id          text_val                                           image_val
----------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
          1 MODIFIED (INSERT BEFORE TEXT) TEXT...              0xAB86CD64

drop proc #t
This page was last updated on May 01, 2006 04:28 PM.