@echo off
REM /***************************************************************/
REM /* Created By : Umachandar Jayachandran (UC) */
REM /* Created On : 27 Nov 1998 */
REM /* Description : A simple batch file to join individual script */
REM /* files in a directory to a single file. */
REM /***************************************************************/
REM /* Resources At: https://umachandar.com/resources.htm */
REM /***************************************************************/
if (%1) == () goto default
set script=%1
goto start
set script=scripts
del %script%.sql 2>NUL
for %%i in (*.sql *.*.prc *.*.trg) do @echo.>>%script%.txt&echo.>>%script%.txt© /A /V %script%.Txt + %%i %script%.txt 1>NUL&echo.>>%script%.txt
if errorlevel 1 echo Copy was unsuccessful.
ren %script%.txt %script%.sql
This page was last updated on May 01, 2006 04:28 PM.