-- Setup a linked server called impserver from which the
-- standard logins needs to be transferred. You can call it
-- whatever you want & modify the linked server name also.
declare @login sysname , @password sysname 
declare implogins cursor for 
  select name , password 
  from impserver.master.dbo.syslogins 
  where isntname = 0 and charindex( 'repl_' , name ) = 0 and 
        charindex( 'distributor' , name ) = 0 and name != 'sa' 
open implogins 
while ( 'FETCH IS OK' = 'FETCH IS OK' ) 
 fetch implogins into @login , @password 
 if @@fetch_status < 0 break 
 exec sp_addlogin @login , @password , @encryptopt = 'skip_encryption'
deallocate implogins 
This page was last updated on May 01, 2006 04:28 PM.